Recapturing the success of a popular franchise can be a gruelling task, especially with the landscape of the video game industry changing so regularly.
Even the greatest of video game franchises have failed miserably with highly anticipated sequels, including Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Sonic the Hedgehog and more. So it should come as no surprise that Ubisoft’s Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon would be no exception.
Take a look at the game in action below.
One such game that has been a topic of discussion amongst Reddit users is Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands of 2017. Though to be fair, compared to 2019’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Wildlands could be considered an all-time classic.
On Metacritic, Ghost Recon Wildlands earned some very modest scores of 69 (nice) to 76, depending on the platform. Sure, it’s not Game of the Year material, but it’s not the worst game of the year either. “I will never understand the hate for this game,” said Cartopcarrot730, opening up the discussion on the Reddit thread. “I liked it a lot when I first started playing it. The mission just started feeling repetitive and I lost interest,” replied bigasscactus.
“I beat both Wildlands and Breakpoint solo. Wildlands has the three AI squad that goes with you. Breakpoint is pretty much the same without the AI squad and more drones to kill,” added Friedhelm78. “I liked Wildlands a lot more.”
“In hindsight, Wildlands became a lot better after we got Breakpoint at launch for comparison, which itself is pretty decent now from what I hear,” said ShadowTown0407. “I second this, with Ghost parameters on it can become an insanely immersive game. With friends a really good mil Sim game. Really can't recommend it enough and the Steam sale has it for like 15 bucks,” added tiktakgoblin.
I used to love the Ghost Recon series back in the day, especially with the Advanced Warfighter entries, but I feel the franchise lost its way somewhere down the road. While there has been no official talk of a series return by Ubisoft, a rumour back in January 2023 suggested that a comeback might be on the cards.
Topics: Ubisoft, PC, PlayStation, Xbox