This 87-year-old grandad gamer has captured hearts for his infectious enthusiasm for his hobby and the dazzling language he uses to describe the baddies in Wolfenstein: Youngblood.
It's funny, isn't it? Games are so universal, in their stories and their genres, and still we are surprised when those who are in their golden years are genuinely into Skyrim, Flight Simulator and Red Dead Redemption. It bridges generations too, as we've seen with this wholesome video with a grandson and grandad working together to battle in Demon Souls, and families have come closer together over games and other online media as a result of the coronavirus crisis mandating distance and staying within a "bubble".
Ryuji Urabe, a 93-year-old grandad who used to be a taxi driver, has found fame for his gameplay of Forza Horizon 5. See his story below!
"It's nurturing that family bond," said Dr Lynn Love, a lecturer in Computer Arts at Abertay University, when Ewan explored the rise in curiosity towards gaming amongst elderly people. "I think it's the problem solving aspect of it, you know, having to problem solve, also that knowledge sharing, because we found that 50% of adults were being taught by their children, and 25% of them never picked up a controller before."
Evidently, this grandad is a dab hand at Wolfenstein: Youngblood as he mows down the enemies and advises his grandson, Reddit user CautiousPaul, on the best weapons for the job. "That f*cking dog," he sighs, seeing a giant Panzerhund stalking the streets of Paris. "Oh, I see the same f*cking thing here," he says while firing at a Drohne using a laser gun. "If we can get one of them against one of those big b*stards," he continues, gesturing sagely to CautiousPaul, "you're home and dry, because this thing just f*cking..." His grandson notes that while he would be up for streaming Wolfenstein, his grandad's peppering of spectacular language in his commentary might get him banned. Check out his skills here:
Fascinated, members of the community came forward with suggestions of games he might like to try, and it turns out that he's often already stormed through these ones already. "Anything with mindless shooting he enjoys," jokedthe Redditor. "He does like games with puzzle elements or platforming - his all time favourite is the original Tomb Raider. He used to wander home from the pub and sit playing it on PS1 for hours in the early morning - drove my Nana insane." Us lot at GAMINGbible salute his commitment to the sesh.
Topics: Wolfenstein, PlayStation, Bethesda