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Amazon's The Lord Of The Rings Series Early Reactions Are In

Amazon's The Lord Of The Rings Series Early Reactions Are In

It seems the experts think the series is in good hands.

Georgina Young

Georgina Young

The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power is the upcoming Amazon show which goes way back to show fans the origins of how the one ring was forged.

Despite being in production for close to two years now, we have seen very little of the project. It wasn't until January this year when we first heard the official name for the show. Next, we got our first look at Morgoth, master of movie trilogy antagonist Sauron, and in February we were even treated to a full trailer. Still the general public knows very little about the show, which has so far left fans with mixed emotions.

You can see that first trailer for yourself in the video below.

Amazon has asked about thirty of the biggest, most elite fans to secret screenings for the series which is reportedly close to completion. Those lucky enough to have got a preview have been giving out praise for the project all over social media.

As collected by fan site The One Ring, many devoted Tolkien fans have weighed in with their thoughts. Dr. Corey Olsen, also known as the Tolkien Professor, says he believes the show to be in "very good hands."

Chair of the Tolkien Society, Shaun Gunner was also able to meet with Amazon for a first look. In a post, he calls the attention-to-detail "unparalleled" and also expressed that he is "convinced that they are the right people to adapt Tolkien's work."

Dr. Maggie Parke, who did her PhD in adaptations, also got to see the show. In tweets she shared that she is "feeling very optimistic!"

While we haven't heard any spoilers about characters or plot, if the experts think things are shaping up well, this might just be an adaptation we can get excited about.

Featured Image Credit: New Line Cinema / Amazon

Topics: Amazon, Lord Of The Rings