While they may seem like minor complaints, small blemishes can really add up to break a player's immersion. Ever since the Final Fantasy VII Remake pushed its way on to PC last December, gamers have been noticing that the NPCs weren't quite right.
As the PlayStation 4 often runs at lower specs than a high-end gaming PC, it wasn't immediately apparent. However, with all the sweet graphical upgrades the latest hardware has to offer, some of the minor inconsistencies in facial textures began to stand out more.
The textures used on the skin were not unrealistic but still gave the appearance that the poor old NPCs weren't following a good diet and exercise regime. Uneven texture and a visibly veiny look common with the often infirm has shot some players into the uncanny valley, especially when compared to the flawless perfection of the main cast.
Not played the Final Fantasy VII: Remake yet? You can watch Square Enix's first look at the game from when it was first announced in 2015 below.
The Italian senate seems to agree with me on this one as a pornographic video of the Remake's leading lady, Tifa Lockhart, interrupted a meeting including academics and scientific experts. The incident has had a positive outcome, however, as the internet has all banded together to make light of the situation.
So when stood next to our best girl's radiant beauty, it's not surprising some players wanted to freshen up some of the extra's faces. The mod created by SamSamTS called "NPC Faces Fix" aims to, in the words of its creator, "Replace 530 NPCs faces with a version less veiny".
They go on to clarify the creation of the mod:
"A lot of NPCs faces have that sickly veiny look to them. I went ahead and fixed that. The file is quite big because 530 textures have been modified."
They still might not look good enough to break up large political online meetings, but they do look quite a bit better than before. See what you think of the mod in the preview below.

Topics: Final Fantasy 7, PC, Mods