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Fallout 5 teaser from Bethesda boss is exactly what we needed

Fallout 5 teaser from Bethesda boss is exactly what we needed

A long wait is sometimes worth it

We have all been witness to a highly-anticipated game being rushed out too soon and watched helplessly as it crashed and burned in the name of profit.

However, that will reportedly not be the case for Fallout 5 according to Bethesda head Todd Howard in a recent interview with Youtuber MrMattyPlays.

Before any of you get excited, it will be a long time until we see Fallout 5. With Bethesda hard at work developing The Elder Scrolls 6, Fallout 5 is next in line and considering we just celebrated our 6th anniversary of waiting for The Elder Scrolls 6… well, you know where this is going.

However, if waiting means we will get to enjoy a much better game, then so be it and that is seemingly what Howard feels too.

Additionally, considering the recent Fallout resurgence following the success of the hit Amazon Prime show Fallout, it would have made sense for Bethesda to rush a new entry in the RPG series out.

“I agree with the statement that Fallout has never been more popular,” he said. “Clearly, it is. And people are hungry for even more. We’ve never stopped doing Fallout work. A lot of that work goes on in Fallout 76, we have the Skyland Valley update out today [June 12], so [we’re] really excited with where that game is at.”

It is good to see that a lot of work is going into Fallout 76 which had a rocky launch back in 2018. Bugs, server instability and lack of content made the first multiplayer entry in the Fallout series a bit of a flop. However, it has since been turned around courtesy of fixes, new content, events and more.

Hopefully, this won’t also be the case for Fallout 5.

“Obviously I can’t talk about those right now, but I would say […] we don’t feel that we need to rush any of that,” Howard continued. “[I] totally get the desire for a new mainline single-player game, and those things take time. I don’t think it’s bad for people to miss things. We just want to get it right.”

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda

Topics: Fallout, Bethesda