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Fallout 3 remade in Unreal Engine is a thing of beauty

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Fallout 3 remade in Unreal Engine is a thing of beauty

Fantastic fan-made footage for Fallout

A very dedicated fan has recreated the intro cutscene for Fallout 3 within Unreal Engine giving it a gorgeous overhaul. The famous intro has been polished wonderfully by Julian Uccetta as part of a project to convert all of Fallout 3 to Unreal Engine as a complete fan remaster. An official remaster is coming, but who knows when that will materialise.

If Bethesda aren't going to remaster this classic, then it seems the fans will

The intro video has appeared on YouTube and shows the now well-known cutscene that starts within a circuitboard of a radio before pulling slowly back to reveal different items. We get a view of the radio dial, then a hula girl bobblehead doll sitting on the dashboard of a vehicle. The camera continues to pull back showing the drivers seat of a bus that has seen better days.

The Unreal Engine remaster of this scene uses a mix of old assets which have been run through an AI upscaler and a bunch of new assets from the team. The short minute and a half scene certainly looks great; as the camera fully reverses and shows the nuclear wasteland we can see some lovely lighting effects, mist swirls in from off-camera and the carnage feels more authentic.

The author and creator has stated that this intro is part of a much larger project simply called "Fallout 3 Unreal" and if this is anything to go by, it's going to be a a brilliant remaster of an all-time classic. As the scene features global illumination, shadows, reflections, ambient occlusion, there's a real sense that it has been built from the ground up, rather than just passed through an upscaler that does the heavy lifting.

A remaster of Fallout 3 is something fans have been asking for over the past few years. Bethesda and Microsoft haven't shown any remastered footage themselves, so for now, these fans will hopefully continue doing a banging job of it.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda

Topics: Fallout, Unreal Engine, Mods

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