It seems that our first look at The Elder Scrolls VI may have been accidentally shared as well as its potential location.
Well, when I say “first look” that’s of course excluding the cinematic announcement trailer from nearly seven years ago at E3 2018. However, that trailer never revealed all that much, other than a bird's eye view over Tamriel.
Check out The Elder Scrolls VI announcement trailer below!
At this point, fans of Bethesda’s fantasy RPG series have been pulling their hair out, eagerly awaiting news such as a release date for the next entry of The Elder Scrolls. Sadly, such news is yet to drop but details may have been shared on the Pinterest account of a Bethesda Softworks employee.
While the images have been restricted from the Pinterest account belonging to the Bethesda employee, screengrabs were taken and shared on the Reddit forum.
“An active Pinterest account from a Bethesda Game Studios employee has just been locked and set to private after the account was posted to the TESVI Subreddit because the account contained hundreds of pins for TESVI concepts,” shared a Redditor.
The images in question were photos of attire that may be suitable for a desert and looked to be used as a reference of inspiration for characters of The Elder Scrolls VI. One of Tamriel's most popular locations is Hammerfell, a place that has vast desserts and fans believe this could be the location of the next game.
“Seems to be confirmation that it will be set in Hammerfell,” said scytheavatar with Robsonmonkey replying “Pretty much. One day, when I’m like 50 at this rate, I’ll get to see Valenwood and Elsweyr.”
“Man, finally a Hammerfell game. I love the setting and playing The Elder Scrolls Online campaign just to mess around in those areas,” replied a joyous TazDingus.
“I hope it’s Hammerfell AND High Rock just like Daggerfall (The Elder Scrolls II), but not procedurally generated this time, especially after Starfield,” exclaimed Bolt_995.
Hopefully, Bethesda will put us all out of our misery and reveal the release date for The Elder Scrolls VI this year but I won’t be holding my breath.
Topics: The Elder Scrolls, The Elder Scrolls 6, Bethesda, PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Xbox Game Pass