Lately everybody's been doing it. You take a popular franchise and you rejuvenate it through the power of hoard based, base protecting, fast and furious, hack and slash action. The Legend Of Zelda did it with Hyrule Warriors, Persona did it with Persona 5 Strikers and Dragon Quest did it with Dragon Quest Heroes. Whether you're into Fire Emblem, Utawarerumono, or One Piece, whatever Japanese series you like it has probably received a musou mix up.
Members of Koei Tecmo, the developers behind the most popular musou franchises Dynasty Warriors, have been hinting at taking an attempt at the Star Wars IP for a while now. Back in 2015 producer Hisashi Koinuma revealed that Star Wars was the series he most wanted to musouify. Now in a recent interview with JPGames, another producer Akihiro Suzuki has expressed similar intentions.
If you're into Star Wars games then check out the trailer for Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic below.
While promoting the upcoming release of Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires, Suzuki revealed a lot of thoughts on bringing musou games to the West where they are typically less popular. As translated by GAMINGbible he discussed how there were differences in the latest game which could suit Western audiences.
"It's not quite the same as a traditional musou game, but I think that (Western) players will enjoy it, because the game is more open based on player's choices. There is more possibility such as character creation and tactical strategy."
Another way of catering to Western interests is to take on a Western IP. This isn't common in the would of musou games but Suzuki is willing to give it a shot.
"Within the dev team, there are a lot of IPs and franchises which get brought up. Just my opinion, but I personally would love to see a Star Wars crossover."
There isn't any current plans for a new musou crossover in the works, but with EA announcing it is done with the Star Wars franchise after the three games currently in development, there is always the possibility we see something in the future.
Topics: Star Wars