We’re now mere weeks away from Dying Light 2, if you can believe it. The zombie-ridden, apocalyptic open world is set 20 years after Dying Light, and stars a new protagonist called Aiden Caldwell.
In a recent livestream, Techland highlighted just how good the game is going to look on new-gen consoles, by showing off some cross-gen comparison footage. If you skip to around the six minute mark in the video below, you can take a look for yourself how it looks while running on the Xbox One X and PS4, compared to the Xbox Series X and PS5.
While obviously the game looks phenomenal on the new-gen consoles, what’s also nice to know is that it still looks great on the last-gen consoles, too. So if you’ve not managed to upgrade yet (and who could blame you, given the stock shortages), it’s definitely not the end of the world, and you should certainly still be planning to pick this one up.
ICYMI... check out the E3 2019 trailer for Dying Light 2 below.
During the stream, co-op gameplay was also shown off, which will support up to four players. You can work together to fight off mobs of zombies, and progress the story too. Your ‘lil squad can even vote on key choices throughout the campaign (although the host has the deciding vote, which does seem to defeat the point slightly). It’s also been confirmed that any character progress and items you earn in a friend’s co-op session will be carried over to your own game when you’re done, which you'd have hoped would be the case, but it's great to know anyway.
Recently, Techland announced that Dying Light 2 will have around 500 hours of gameplay for those with enough free time to dedicate to finishing it to maximum completion - fully exploring the world, and finishing all the quests and endings. I imagine that’s either the best or most terrifying news you’ve ever heard, depending on how much you enjoy losing yourself in a game for literal weeks at a time. As someone with an already mammoth backlog, I fall into the latter. Either way, the game releases on 4 February, so get ready to say goodbye to the outside world very soon.
Featured Image Credit: TechlandTopics: Dying Light 2, Techland, PlayStation, Xbox