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'Dead Space' Remake And 'God Of War' Share A Strange Similarity

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'Dead Space' Remake And 'God Of War' Share A Strange Similarity

Dead Space developers have revealed that the remake has a lot in common with 2018's God of War.

Horror fans are in for a treat in the next couple of months. In December, The Callisto Protocol will finally be released. The game promises to be “the single most scariest game for PC and consoles,” and the gameplay footage we’ve seen so far certainly seems to back up that assertion. After that, EA Motive’s Dead Space remake will land in January. As we edge closer to the remake’s release, new details are coming to light and it looks like Dead Space shares a major similarity with 2018’s God of War.

Need a recap ahead of the release of God of War Ragnarök? Mimir’s here to help.

Over on the EA blog, Dead Space’s developers have opened up about the making of the game, explaining that just like Santa Monica Studio’s God of War, Dead Space will unfold as one continuous shot, with no cuts or load screens.

Senior producer Philippe Ducharme wrote, “We’re also actually creating the entire game as one sequential shot. From the moment you start the game to the moment you end the game, there are no camera cuts or load screens - unless you die. The Ishimura is now fully interconnected, so you can walk from Point A to Point Z, visit the entire ship, and revisit locations you’ve already completed to pick up things you might have missed - that’s all new. It’s now a completely unbroken experience.”

Another interesting thing to note is that developers actually consulted “hardcore fans” as advisors. Ducharme said, “We have our opinions, but that doesn’t mean we’re right! There were a number of polarising topics we wanted to get a gut-check on, so we gathered feedback from these groups to make informed decisions.” All in all, it sounds like Dead Space is shaping up nicely.

Featured Image Credit: Sony Interactive Entertainment, EA

Topics: Dead Space, EA, God Of War, Santa Monica Studio