A classic part of the Dead Space franchise long thought forgotten is returning.
When the first Dead Space game released in 2008, it quickly captivated fans, though not because of its stunning beauty but due to its breathtaking visceral horror.
Although the sequel was generally well received, by the time Dead Space 3 launched, many fans felt like the franchise had lost its way.
With the final nail in the coffin struck, the graphic novels that accompanied the original releases stopped being printed.
It looked like that was it for this once thriving part of the series.
But time has finally been kind to Dead Space, with its 2023 remake being a huge success.
The Dead Space Remake is easily one of the best remakes of the last few years.
In GAMINGbible’s review, we praised its “nerve-shatteringly terrifying horror”, which provided both new and returning players with something to “look forward to”.
This resurgence in interest for the 00s survival horror has led to the graphic novels now being reissued.
As shared via ComicBook, here’s the list of the titles soon to be available:
- Dead Space Vol. 1
- Dead Space Vol. 2: Salvage
- Dead Space Vol. 3: Liberation
- Dead Space – Martyr
- Dead Space – Catalyst
Each release has a different launch date, with the first title – Dead Space Vol. 1 – available from 11 March this year.
The dates are then staggered throughout the year, with the last reissue – Dead Space Vol. 3 – coming out 14 October.
It’s pleasing to know that the franchise lives on because, as we learnt last year, Dead Space 4 has been turned down by EA.
The franchise seems to be on its last legs, at least video games wise.
However, we have these classic editions to add to our collection, so there is hope for the series yet. Or so we keep telling ourselves.
Topics: Dead Space, EA, PlayStation, Xbox, Steam, PC