It’s just as the title says, DC has decided to kill off almost the entirety of the Justice League, including the deaths of its most popular characters, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, all in one fell swoop.
In a 40 page bumper sized issue of the Justice League comics, titled Death Of The Justice League #75, DC has killed off nine members of the Justice League. As reported by GamesRadar+ in the episode, ten of the core members of the League travel to deep space to battle with the Dark Army. The Army is made up of DC’s worst villains including Doomsday, Deathstroke and Darkseid.
Don’t be sad about the loss of the Justice League, we'll always have the League Of Super Pets to save the day. Watch Keanu Reeves as the Batman in the video below.
Speaking about the issue, writer Joshua Williamson said, “We've been building to the Death of the Justice League for the last year across the main line. I remember buying Death Of Superman 30 years ago and now we have an opportunity to take that idea and go bigger with it. Justice League #75 allows us to showcase why the Justice League are comics' greatest heroes as we show the aftermath of the loss against their biggest threat ever and its impact on the DCU.”
The final fight was certainly big, of the ten members that went, only one returned. The battle claims the lives of Aquaman, Zatanna, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Hawkgirl, and Martian Manhunter, and as well as the aforementioned Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman.
The surviving member has not been revealed, but as the report mentions that it was a battle between the core members it is likely that The Flash is the survivor. While this is the largest reckoning for the Justice League since its release in 1960, it is not unusual for DC characters to die. As characters are often replaced and resurrected in the DCU it is likely this is not the last we will see of them.
Topics: Batman, Superman, Warner Bros