Cyberpunk 2077 fans can get stuck into another gameplay expansion ahead of the official Phantom Liberty update next month.
It's a great time to be a fan of Cyberpunk 2077. The upcoming paid expansion is set to make a ton of changes, including a complete graphical overhaul and the introduction of new gameplay features. Better yet, all of the big changes coming in Phantom Liberty will actually be available for everyone for free as part of the Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update.
Take a look at Cyberpunk 2077 in action below!
If all the big changes coming in the next official update just aren't enough for you, allow me to turn your attention to Cyberpunk 2077: Stealthrunner - a stealth gameplay expansion created by fans, for fans.
Stealthrunner does exactly what it says on the tin: it deepens and expands the sneakier gameplay mechanics from the base game, providing more of an emphasis on stealth. As a player who much prefers walking through the front door with a shotgun, this one isn't really for me. But it looks like a good time, all the same.
"The core of this mod is a system that adds stealth-related objectives to every applicable main quest, side/minor quest, gig, and NCPD scanner hustle," the mod's creator explains.
"The aim is to motivate and reward stealthy gameplay, enhancing the vanilla experience by tracking these objectives as rewarding challenges to complete. It is not an overhaul of existing stealth gameplay (significantly changing enemy AI would be a whole other mod - and not easy), but it makes it more fun to play the stealth game that's already there."
Basically, if you wish Cyberpunk 2077 played a little less like an intense sci-fi shooter and more like a Hitman or Watch Dogs-style game, you'll want to install this pronto.
Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, Mods, CD Projekt Red