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Cyberpunk 2077 sequel teaser promises us a more immersive world

Cyberpunk 2077 sequel teaser promises us a more immersive world

Development for the sequel are in full swing

Although there is not much yet known about the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel, a recent report by one CD Projekt Red developer has offered us a bit of insight on the project currently known as Project Orion.

Now that development has now fully stopped for Cyberpunk 2077, it appears that developers CD Projekt Red has turned some* of its attention to its sequel, currently codenamed Project Orion.

Check out the trailer for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty below!

*I say some because development is also in full swing for The Witcher 4 - codenamed Project Polaris - which currently has the most amount of workers dedicated to it.

However, that doesn’t mean that Cyberpunk 2 is being left behind and according to a recent AnsweRED podcast episode, the game’s setting has already featured a few changes.

When discussing the sequel, CD Projekt Red executive producer Dan Hernberg thought it would be appropriate to have it be developed in North America.

“I think Cyberpunk is obviously a uniquely American story,” he said. “It’s got a lot of like punk energy, and it was written by an American, so it just seems right to do it in America.”

In reply, associate game director Paweł Sasko gave an example of a time when Cyberpunk 2077 didn’t feel “American enough”.

“Like, the manholes that are covering the roads, right?” Sasko said. “There was this post [on Reddit] with the guy saying that there is this immersion-breaking bug in Cyberpunk, and the bug was about the fact that the covers for the manholes for the sewers were the manholes that you use normally in Europe, in Germany, for a pavement.”

With CD Projekt Red being a Polish studio, it would be easy enough for developers to miss small details such as this. Although they are not “game-breaking” by any means, it is clear they want to avoid the same mistakes in the sequel.

“It doesn’t break immersion, but it’s just that little thing where you’re like, ‘well, maybe this wasn’t made by people who live here or people who fully understand all of American culture.'”

Featured Image Credit: CD Projekt Red

Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red