Someone has managed to save poor Jackie from their eventual, long-thought-inevitable fate during Cyberpunk 2077’s story - and good luck in advance trying to figure out how they managed to pull this off.
It obviously goes without saying at this point, but expect spoilers regarding CD Projekt RED’s Cyberpunk 2077 from this point onwards.
Cyberpunk 2077 veterans will know that Jackie Welles, V’s merc-in-arms best buddy, meets an unfortunate end during the events of the mission The Heist.
This is completely unavoidable. Regardless of your choices or how well you execute the mission, Jackie will always get shot and bleed out once you jump in a cab at the end of The Heist.
Have you played the Phantom Liberty DLC?
However, someone has managed to save Jackie from his fate and… look I have no idea how they actually found out something like this was possible in the first place.
I am not exaggerating when I say that I have watched the video detailing how Jackie was saved roughly five times already, and this has got to be the most convoluted thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on.
Reddit user utakatikmobil posted their findings in a thread over on the r/LowSodiumCyberpunk subreddit, which thankfully baffled the commenters as much as it has baffled me.
Probably the most apt comment in the thread comes from user liquidblueyes, who simply stated, "How did you even figure this out?"
Now, you’ll probably get roughly 10 seconds into utakatikmobil’s video before figuring out that this obviously isn’t something CD Projekt RED intended for players to do.
Which is why pulling this off has some… less than ideal ramifications.
“When you do this, it's a softlock. You can't ever finish The Heist quest (there's no way to get inside Konpeki Plaza again) and there's no way to progress,” utakatikmobil explained in a follow up comment.
“Night City will be raining forever, no traffic for the entire Night City, Watson will be forever under lockdown and there's nothing else to do (if you've cleared Watson).”
So there you have it. It’s certainly an ending of sorts (considering you cannot complete the main story past this point). Nice to know there’s at least one universe in which poor Jackie survives past the age of 30.
Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red