With Cyberpunk 2077 not set to receive any new content updates in the future, it is up to its dedicated fanbase to release some incredible new expansions.
Better yet? They’re absolutely free.
Stealthrunner by RMK on Nexus Mods is a newly-updated mod for Cyberpunk 2077 which aims to add more objectives for almost every gig and quest.
Check out the Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty trailer below!
“Tracks and rewards Ghost, Pacifist, No-Touch, and more objectives for almost every quest and gig,” the synopsis reads.
“Adds an all-new stealth-focused perk tree to unlock new abilities such as Pickpocketing. Unlock new items including new variations of Optical Camo. Inspired by games like Deus Ex and Dishonored.”
The core point of this mod is to add stealth-related objectives to Cyberpunk 2077 so you can approach every job in a new (and a lot more quiet) way.
With the aim to “motivate and reward stealthy gameplay”, every main quest, side quest, gig and NCPD scanner job can now be approached in this new way.
“It is not an overhaul of existing stealth gameplay (significantly changing enemy AI would be a whole other mod - and not easy), but it makes it more fun to play the stealth game that's already there.”
Not only is it a fun new way to approach missions but doing so will also reward players with XP, Street Cred, Headhunter XP, money, and recipes depending on the objective.
Not only that but completing enough of each type of objective will reward the player with perk points, access to new cyberware, recipes to iconic weapons and access to brand-new perks in the Stealthrunner perk tree.
Stealthrunner is completely free to download for Cyberpunk 2077 on PC and will soon be updated to include missions from its Phantom Liberty DLC.
Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red, Mods, PC