Cyberpunk 2077 continues to make one of the greatest comebacks of all time, having recovered from one of the worst video game releases in recent memory to a futuristic RPG that’s actually really fun.
After some much-needed updates to the game, we're finally in a place where gamers are actively excited for Cyberpunk 2077’s DLC and sequel. We know basically nothing about the latter, mind you - announced last October, the new title is currently codenamed Project Orion, and is already in development. The one reassuring piece of information we do have about it is that the game will be tested on all platforms, and focus won’t be put solely on the PC build. Cyberpunk 2077 almost certainly would have fared better at launch if this had applied then, too.
Take a look at the trailer for Cyberpunk 2077’s DLC, Phantom Liberty, below.
Meanwhile, the spy-thriller story DLC, Phantom Liberty, is set to release sometime this year. It’ll feature none other than Idris Elba as the veteran New United States of America agent, Solomon Reed. Before that though, PC players can look forward to a massive new update releasing next month, which includes a super impressive graphics mode.
As revealed on the Nvidia blog, Ray Tracing: Overdrive Mode is coming to the PC version of the game on 11 April. This includes path tracing - basically a better version of ray tracing which simulates light even better than before. The blog post reads: “[Path tracing is] used by visual effects artists to create film and TV graphics that are indistinguishable from reality.”
What’s more, the update will be totally free, although you’re probably going to need a pretty souped-up PC to be able to run it in the first place. Graphics as shiny as these don’t come easy.
Nvidia expects that many more games will follow in Cyberpunk 2077’s footsteps and incorporate path tracing in the future, so this could be the start of something huge. We’ll probably have a better idea of how big game-changing it is when the update releases in a few weeks.
Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red