Some players have been reflecting on the troubled launch of Cyberpunk 2077, believing people treated CD Projekt RED too harshly.
Cyberpunk 2077 must have had one of the roughest launches in gaming history. The infamous CD Projekt RED title faced a barrage of hate for its bugs, glitches and performance issues, especially on Xbox and PlayStation platforms. In fact, the launch was so flawed it’s been admitted into the New York Museum Of Failures.
Check out the latest trailer for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.
Recently, some of the developers at CD Projekt RED have stated they believe the game was too harshly criticised at launch, and that hating the game was just “the cool thing” to do, and some fans are starting to agree with them. Reddit user rolandassassin started a thread saying: “I agree with DEVs, the game was EXTREMELY over-hated… The game had many problems for sure and they kinda launched it unfinished. But was it cool to hate Cyberpunk? Definitely, the game was overhated beyond limits.”
While some were in agreement, many still drew attention to the problems the game had upon launch, saying criticism was entirely justified by players who had their experience with the game negatively affected by the performance issues. “In the long run, I would agree. But at launch on PS4, game was in a very poor state. I crashed dozens of times before leaving the game untouched until that major update and getting a next-gen console," said one commenter. “It’s one of my favourite games, but the launch was a debacle," added another.
“It was a victim of its own hype. They over promised and under delivered. Was it a good game? Hell yeah. It was and still is. Better now after a lot of fixes. The next patch 2.0 is going to be closer to what was promised," read one comment.
Regardless of which side of the argument you’re on, there’s no denying Cyberpunk 2077 failed to deliver on launch day. That being said, several developers received personal attacks and threats regarding the game, which is certainly not justifiable by any means.
On the bright side, Cyberpunk 2077 is still on its road to redemption, receiving multiple quality of life updates, and is awaiting a major DLC expansion, Phantom Liberty, which will expand the story, characters and gameplay mechanics.
The Phantom Liberty expansion will release 26 September, exclusively for Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and PC.
Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red, Xbox, PlayStation, PC