There are so many beautiful sights to see in Cyberpunk 2077, however, this grim secret isn’t one of them.
In fact, we wish we could un-see it.
Of all the gangs you’ll meet in CD Projekt Red’s sci-fi title, the Maelstrom are the most disturbing and notorious.
Their “love” of cyberware has led them to replace large portions of their body, especially their faces, with cybernetic implants.
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Slowly removing their humanity one upgrade at a time.
Most Cyberpunk 2077 players had assumed few human features remained behind all these cybernetics, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
As revealed by Redditor ScrapMetal4000, “normal faces” hide underneath all that tech.
“They even still have eyebrows,” they shared.
The player made this shocking discovery during the ‘Cyberpsycho Sighting’ mission; having completed the task at hand, they decided to take a closer look at the body of Maelstrom member Ellis Carter.
At first, it seems there’s nothing left of their face but a bloody mess.
But once you look closer, you start to notice details like the OP mentioned, all of which seemingly proves the OP’s claims that “normality” is hiding behind the cyberware.
“Honestly it freaked me out when I learned that if you blew their face up or did something like that there was just a whole blood covered skeleton,” commented StayLeading5015.
The OP puts forward a compelling argument, yet not all fans believe it to be true.
User Willyse responded, "My guess is they just use default NPC body and added layers on top of it. In lore, I guess they screw cyberware straight through skull.”
The OP replied saying they “kinda figured” that was the case, but that they still find this discovery “interesting”, regardless.
Discussions are still taking place over this find.
Still, what’s been seen has only served to make Maelstrom “all the more horrific”.
Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red