Attack Of The Clones may not be the most popular film in the whole of the Star Wars franchise, but it still has its dedicated fans. With more and more Star Wars film and TV offerings entering the world than ever before, the franchise is always at the forefront of everyone's consciousness. With The Book Of Boba Fett now gracing everyone's screens, it's no surprise that Mandalorians specifically are on everyone's minds.
Up steps reddit user u/StayBombastic using their computer prowess to recreate a deleted scene from the movie. In the original film during the fight between Jedi Mace Windu and bounty hunter Jango Fett, we got to see very little action. Windu, as played by Samuel L Jackson, slices off the arm of the fast shooting Fett before decapitating him. That's it. Our notorious murderer seemed to put up very little resistance.
If you're a fan of Mandalorians you can check out the trailer for The Book Of Boba Fett below.
However, the original cut, which never ended up getting the CGI treatment, sees a battle twice as long where Windu takes out the Mandalorian's other arm, sticks his lightsaber straight through his thigh before finishing the job with a swirling decapitation. As a seasoned bounty hunter, fans thought it never quite made sense that Jango could be taken out so quickly so this extended version shows how Windu completely immobilised him before going in for the kill. Still, it doesn't account for the fact that Fett pretty much just peaced out. Mind you, without his jetpack he made for a much less intimidating opponent.
Undignified deaths are, of course, par for the course in the Fett family. Perhaps people have forgotten too soon that Jango's son and unaltered clone, Boba Fett, once met his (then) fatal end when a confused Han Solo bumped into him, knocking him unceremoniously into the Sarlacc pit. Good times! Completely unpicked in The Book Of Boba Fett, but still good times.
Topics: Star Wars, TV And Film