A new Assassin’s Creed game is finally on the way this year. We don’t have a release date yet for Mirage, but we do know that it’s set in ninth century Baghdad and will feature Valhalla’s Basim and utilise Unity’s parkour system.
If the game proves to be successful, it would be a much needed win for Ubisoft. Following a disappointing fiscal year, the company cancelled three unannounced games amidst a series of cost-cutting measures. In total, Ubisoft are hoping to save around $215 million. In the meantime though, fans are revisiting previous Assassin’s Creed games. Some have said Odyssey’s hate is “unjustified” while others have deemed Unity to be the best looking entry. One player though has only just noticed that Origins contains nudity - or should I say a nude titty.
In case you missed it, Assassin’s Creed Mirage is set to release this year. Take a look at the trailer below.
To put it simply, there are a fair few bare breasts in Origins. We don’t need to be immature about it, right? Somehow though, one Reddit user had never noticed before. Taking to the site, Markleshark1 wrote, “Huh. I never knew there was nudity in Origins or any AC game actually. Second playthrough in Letopolis. Is this a rare occurrence or a glitch even?” That is not a glitch, my friend. That is simply a boob.
Fellow Reddit users pointed out that Markleshark1 clearly hadn’t found the orgy room which, yes, exists. User dumb_but_pretty wrote, “You didn’t go to the orgy?” while LazaroFilm added, “There’s also a full orgy scene at some point.” In the Herakleion Village lies a room with, let’s say, audible noises. If they really want to, players can scale up the side of the building and peer inside using photo mode. I’ll say no more.
As many have pointed out, it would’ve been the norm at the time for some women to go topless as it still is in many cultures across the world today.
Topics: Assassins Creed, Ubisoft