It’s full steam ahead on Assassin’s Creed over at Ubisoft. There are a whopping 11 titles in the franchise in development right now, so you’d imagine that means that there’s a bit of something for everyone. Apparently not though, as there are still characters that fans would love to see return.
What are those 11 games, I hear you say? Well, next up we have Assassin’s Creed Mirage which is set to release on 12 October and will feature Valhalla’s Basim. Fortunately, it’s set to feature the smallest AC map in years. We also have the free-to-play Codename Jade, the return of Ezio in Assassin’s Creed Nexus, and the highly anticipated Codename Red. There’s Codename Hexe, which is thought to possibly feature a female protagonist and in recent weeks, rumours have circulated suggesting that a remake of Assassin’s Creed Black Flag may also be on the list. That’s just to name a sample of what’s coming, but fans have gathered to discuss the fact that they’d love to see Bayek make a return.
Take a look at Assassin’s Creed Mirage in action below.
Bayek was, of course, the protagonist of Assassin’s Creed Origins which was released all the way back in 2017. Just as Basim is making his comeback in Mirage, fans have suggested that they’d love to see more from Bayek too. Reddit user BNovacki wrote, “Bayek truly deserves a sequel. This character is easily the most incredible written character since Ezio. It is a shame that he never got at least a duology of him being in Judea, fighting King Herod with Kawab, or in Roma with Aya, playing as an old mentor as he teaches the creed and finalises the tenets.”
“Bayek in the Hidden Ones DLC is by far one of the most badass characters Ubisoft has ever done. They make the most interesting characters and then just throw them on the sidelines, we are getting an Edward sequel yay! (It's a comic). We can't get a Arno, Connor and Shay reunion because Ubisoft just wants to go to the next historical setting... a waste of character development. The only hope we have is that AC Infinite might be open to explore these characters more, seeing an actual conclusion.”
Plenty of fellow fans agreed. TheKingOfWendys wrote, “He is literally SO f**king cool. So far above any other character for me,” while another user added, “Bayek is easily the character I'd be the most excited about revisiting. He's my favourite protagonist in the whole franchise.” Make it happen Ubisoft.
Topics: Assassins Creed, Ubisoft