Respawn is constantly adding new legends into the mix to spice up the Apex Legends meta, and its new season Saviors is no different. This major update adds a new defence-centric character, and a heroic one at that. Meet Newcastle, the latest addition to the Apex games.
Newcastle has been attempting to break into the games for quite a while, and has finally managed to do so (hurray). Newcastle’s entry to the games couldn’t come at a better or worse time, depending on which way you look at it, as the background to Season 13 focuses on a giant leviathan which has attacked Storm Point.
Check out Apex Legends’ new addition Newcastle in action here:
As you can imagine, Newcastle has some cracking abilities to support his defensive playstyle. Firstly his passive ability allows him to retrieve the wounded from the battlefield. He does this by using his wrist-mounted shield to protect from incoming fire, and dragging any downed squadmates out of the fray, all whilst reviving them! Although you might think there’s a little crossover with fellow legend Lifeline, Apex Legends’ senior character designer Devan McGuire assured us that both legends sit differently in that department.
Newcastle’s tactical ability is a mobile shield, which can be moved once placed, allowing Newcastle to support advancing squadmates or adapt when unexpectedly third partied. Finally, Newcastle's ultimate ability is, as you can probably guess, another defensive one. His ultimate is dubbed the ‘Castle Wall’ and draws on Newcastle’s signature shield, which is slammed to the ground to provide a fortress-like structure, providing a stronghold for your fellow squadmates. Enemies in its wake are pushed back and anyone who tries to push through its energised wall are punished. It’ll be interesting to see how Newcastle’s abilities change up the legend meta, especially those defensive players who perhaps main as Gibraltar.

Are you a lore lover? Well, Newcastle’s introduction has quite possibly one of the best twists we’ve seen in Apex for a while. As we learnt in the latest Stories from the Outlands instalment, underneath Newcastle’s mask and shining armour isn’t some random crowd pleaser, but actually Bangalore's brother, who assumed the role of Newcastle when a run-in with the Forgotten Families goes wrong, which ended with the original Newcastle being killed off. Thankfully Jackson witnesses the encounter and picks up Newcastle’s trusty helmet to tackle the Apex Games head on. Newcastle is known as the Hero of Harris Valley, but will have to use all of his abilities to keep his squadmates alive and come out on top.
The newest legend Newcastle arrives in Apex Legends as part of Season 13, Saviors, which brings with it updates to Storm Point, such as IMC armouries and new POI locations, as well as upgrades to ranked and an exciting Battle Pass. Apex Legends: Saviors is set to launch on May 10th, so you really don’t have long to wait until the next legend meta shake up.
Topics: Apex Legends