Angry Birds is no more. Please give a warm welcome to Red's First Flight, the new name for the famous story of the battle between avians and swine, and oh, the game is going to be removed from Android devices.
Confused? Well, so are a lot of other people. Angry Birds is iconic for the combination of hooking gameplay mechanics, comical story, and the satisfaction of chucking birds into ramshackle bastions constructed by green pigs. The Rovio team saw a need and they filled it. I'm sure plenty will remember asking politely for their parent's iPod Touch for the thrill of breaking through another few levels until you got stuck and started the shark game instead.
The dynamic between the factions is deeper than you might think according to The Angry Birds Movie directors Clay Kaytis and Fergal Reilly. "Like Aristotle said, anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy," they said in response to a question over the true source of the birds' ire. Also there are two The Angry Birds Movies which is beyond me.
Without Angry Birds, there would be no Pigeon Simulator. Probably. Check out the trailer about the nefarious birds below:
It sounds like, per Rovio's statement, the game is too successful and it's causing hindrances to the other games that it offers. "We have reviewed the business case of Rovio Classics: Angry Birds, and due to the game's impact on our wider games portfolio, we have decided that Rovio Classics: Angry Birds will be unlisted from the Google Play Store on Thursday, 23rd February," announced the developer. Angry Birds costs 99 cents on the App Store, whereas the subsequent Angry Birds entries like Angry Birds 2, Angry Birds Friends and Angry Birds Journey encourage players to shell out a little more to support the live service elements.
Moreover, the game will be gone from Google Play and renamed to Red's First Flight on iOS which is, as Eurogamer says, a rather rubbish name. How the might fall. And explode.
Topics: Retro Gaming, Mobile Games