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Red Dead Redemption's John and Arthur officially reunite for Black Hills Redemption

Red Dead Redemption's John and Arthur officially reunite for Black Hills Redemption

It's a wholesome reunion

It happened at a recent convention specifically for die-hard fans of the Red Dead Redemption franchise. Playing a silly game on stage, Arthur Morgan and John Marston were finally reunited.

At the Black Hills Redemption event, hundreds of fans came together to see a large portion of the cast in one place.

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The wholesome moment was captured on film for all and posted to Reddit where one fan remarked “Man, this is so awesome, I wish I could've been there!” You and a bunch of other fans, I’m sure.

This all happened during a Q&A panel at the event which gathered together the core members of the cast who would receive questions from the audience.

At one point, Rob Wiethoff and Roger Clark sat back-to-back with large pictures of their characters of John and Arthur and were asked rapid-fire questions. The idea was they would hold up the picture of the character who fits the answer.

It was a lovely, light-hearted moment filled with laughter from not only those playing the game but the entire room of fans.

It’s great to see the two veteran voice actors revel in the love from the fans and other members of the cast as the two are finally brought together for the game.

The Red Dead Redemption community is millions strong with both games receiving no end of love from those who have put in hundreds of hours over the years.

This was not only a golden moment for them, but for the cast too, as you can see the admiration in each of them on the stage.

Both Red Dead Redemption and its sequel are hailed as masterpieces from Rockstar Games and each is held up as a flagpole for the industry on how to do drama and action seamlessly.

Featured Image Credit: Take-Two

Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games