How much time do you take off work when a new game releases? Does that even enter your mind?
I think the last time I did this was World of Warcraft, one of the expansions. Though I’m sure I subconsciously did it for another game.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be here any day now and many fans will be taking time off to mainline the multiplayer modes
GTA VI fans are pondering this very thing over on Reddit. After all, the game is going to be huge and apparently, “It's a well known fact everyone will take time off when it releases.”
To be fair, the campaign of GTA VI will likely run around 40 hours and that’s not going to count the times you get lost wandering around Vice City.
So, fans on Reddit are booking their time off, writing imaginary sick notes, and discussing it all publicly, which is a very normal thing to do.
“I already quit my job and moved back in with my parents,” says one humorous comment.
Others are taking this more seriously and talking about their plans, “I'm connecting it to the weekend. If it gets released on Thursday then 2 days. Wednesday 3 days etc.”
I do love this super serious answer from Trick-Dice though, “None, it’s a video game. I will take my time with it.”
I think it’s perfectly fair to take some time off, especially if it’s something you’ve been looking forward to for years.
We already know it’s going to take up many of our waking hours, so why not take a couple of days off and go fullbore?
This comment from Mr_2percent did hit me in the feels though, “I won’t take off any days I can barley afford to get GTA itself.”
Of course, this Reddit thread did inevitably bring up the topic of how some countries don’t get paid annual leave, which just made me sad.
Topics: GTA, GTA 6, GTA Online, GTA 5, Grand Theft Auto