A recent teaser for Red Dead Redemption 2 appears to also be a sly tease for the upcoming GTA VI, and fans are reacting in a very normal way.
An image from the Red Dead Redemption 2 promotional material shows characters bursting through saloon doors with guns brandished, and it looks awfully similar to one of Lucia and Jason, from the first GTA VI trailer.
GTA 6 dropped its first trailer 436 days ago, not that we're counting
You can see a side-by-side over on Twitter, and Rockstar Games does seem to be riffing off the scene.
It’s no surprise to see the games nodding to each other during this rampant moment of marketing for the upcoming GTA VI.
While many fans are now thinking we’ll see a trailer for the hotly anticipated game drop on Valentine’s Day, due to the use of couples in the artwork, others are seeing a funny side and gently roasting Rockstar Games.
“Cheeky!” calls out one fan, while another exclaims, “Those teasing bastards.”
Of course, it can be seen as simply a popular pose for two people when brandishing guns, aiming to either side in a dynamic position.
Some see it as “Trolling at it's finest,” though others are having a much more normal reaction, saying, “Or someone at Rockstar really likes that pose so they used it twice. They've done it countless times with GTA online posts.”
A second trailer would be lovely, and if it must drop on Valentine’s Day, then that would mean it’s pretty soon. It would satiate the rabid fans, for sure.
I, for one, would love to see more of the game, as it has been over a year since the first trailer dropped, and we’re getting hungry for more.
While one hopeful fan says, “Valentine's Day Trailer 2 confirmed,” I will wait to see it to believe it.
Topics: GTA, GTA 6, GTA Online, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games