Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 is the most fun I’ve had with a shooter since my Halo 3 days; it’s endless, mindless fun.
While I wouldn’t call myself a Warhammer fan by any means, I had a brief encounter with the tabletop game years ago after playing, and loving, the first Space Marine game back in 2011.
Check out the trailer for the Space Marine 2 below
History has seemingly repeated itself as I’m once again eyeing up physical Warhammer 40k sets after playing Space Marine 2, and I think that’s a good enough testament than any for how good this game actually is.
I’ve been hooked since the moment I picked it up, and don’t plan on putting it down anytime soon. In fact the more I’ve played the more it’s reminded me of another game I’ve put hundreds of hours into over the years, Halo 3.
Put them side by side and these titles hardly have anything in common, though they are about big dudes in power armour making armies look like blades of grass. No, what these games have most in common to me is they’re pure, stupid fun, remarkably replayable, and kickass games to play with friends.
I know the campaign of Halo 3 better than I know myself, and have beaten it countless times since first playing it in 2008. It’s simply never gotten old to me and while I’m never too thrilled with the idea of fighting through a flood-infested High Charity again, it’s fun nonetheless, especially with a co-op partner by my side. Whether locked in on Legendary difficulty or breezing through on Normal while reflecting and talking about life, playing Halo 3 has always felt like a magical experience.

Space Marine 2, for me, has given me that exact same feeling and despite essentially doing three separate playthroughs with two friends the content is yet to be boring. We haven’t even tackled some of the harder difficulties yet, we’ve just been having an excellent time tearing through tyranids and warring with the other faction. Finishing a few campaign missions and mixing things up with some Operations or Endless War felt like hopping into ODST’s Firefight and the online multiplayer, and just as rewarding.
I’ve got a few gripes with the game mind you. I’m not a big fan of the progression system for armour, as while I’ll be playing the game enough to unlock all the cosmetics I feel like an in-game shop or some sort of challenge system for different armour pieces would have made more sense. I’m also not very fond of queuing up with randoms, as they’re either so good that you rarely get a chance to play, or woefully bad that you’re having to do everything yourself. In fairness, it’s a personal preference thing and hasn’t impacted my overall view of the game, just something I’ve thought about during my time with it.
Something Space Marine 2 really has going for it compared to other shooters is it doesn’t take itself seriously. Now I love Halo more than the next Xbox fan, but with every title after Halo Reach my motivation to enjoy the PvP has dwindled. This is largely due to there being such a high skill ceiling nowadays, and the focus on competition and eSports worthy shooters has made me less likely to play them, simply because it’s not my cup of tea.

Space Marine 2 obviously doesn’t have that problem, and while you can get pretty competitive in the Endless Mode you generally feel like you’re on the same skill level as other players at all times, unless you’re fighting a Bulwark class. Again this gives me major Halo 3 vibes, as while the online scene for that game could get pretty sweaty it never failed to present itself as an arcade shooter.
That, in essence, is what I love most about Space Marine 2, and why I think players adore it so much, even if they don’t realise it. It’s an arcade shooter through-and-through.
While other games, like Helldivers 2, have tried their best to remain relevant in such a saturated genre, I think Space Marine 2 will continue to dominate the shooter scene for many more months, especially with such an extensive roadmap filled with post-launch support.
You feel like you’re part of something bigger when you’re playing Space Marine 2, more so than ever when you’re screaming Warhammer 40k lines to your friends. It’s genuinely the most fun I’ve had with a shooter since the Halo 3 days, and one I’m sure I’ll continue to enjoy for many months to come.
Topics: Warhammer, Halo, Xbox, PC, PlayStation