It has been a while since Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 was released but after revisiting it recently, it’s amazing just how much Insomniac Games managed to squeeze into New York. It’s spectacular. They’ve gone to great lengths in order to please, not just fans of the comics with little easter eggs, but average fans who love small entertaining details and interactions.
The beauty of Marvel and Insomniac’s version of New York is that there’s always something to see, a conversation to overhear, though many of these hidden details may have passed you by. Next time you’re swinging through the neighbourhood in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 make sure to check out these lovely little touches.
Try a bit of yoga
If you head over to Downtown Brooklyn park you’ll see a few people grouped together taking a yoga instruction. There’s a spare mat just waiting for Spidey to join in and if you interact with it you can pull off a few poses. You’d think that Spider-Man gets enough exercise in what with all the swinging about, but there’s another bonus to this interaction - the yogic instructor tell you that they “sense a lot of chaos” within you. But it’s nothing some yoga can’t fix.

Pay respects
Even in the first game, there has been the ability to visit a cemetery and pay respects to key characters from the Spider-Man world. You can find Aunt May and Uncle Ben, as well as Jefferson Davis, Miles’ father. But there are two other graves that you may not have known about - Rick and Phin. If you played the separate Miles Morales spin-off you’ll know of Phin who was Miles’ childhood friend that eventually became the Tinkerer. She took up the role of Tinkerer after her brother Rick died.

A Daredevil enemy
If you’re swinging through Hell’s Kitchen, Daredevil’s place of residence, it’s worth looking for an apartment building with a red flag hanging outside. This is the hideout for members of The Hand, a shadowy organisation with links to feudal Japan that often butts up against Daredevil. If you take a peek through the window you’ll see weapons and occult symbols linked to the criminal gang.

A hint for the future?
Also in Hell’s Kitchen, you can find the unfinished painting of a Fantastic Four logo on the ground. This implies that the Baxter building, the hangout of the group, is yet to be built in New York. Of course, we already know that Wolverine is going to be made by Insomniac and could potentially appear in a future Spider-Man game, but could Marvel’s first family also feature in Marvel’s Spider-Man 3? Even just having the building there is good enough for longtime fans, but it would be great to have a few cameo appearances.

Do some sick tricks
When swinging through the city you’ll know that you can pull off some sick stunts to the shock and awe of onlookers - there’s even a trophy attached to this - but there’s one particular trick that shows off web skills, and brain power. By holding Square and pulling down on the thumbstick Peter will pull out a Rubiks Cube and begin to solve it. He will actually complete it if you swing high enough and give him time, otherwise you’ll splat onto the floor.

Wakanda Forever
In the Midtown District of New York, you’ll find the Wakandan embassy sitting proudly. If you explore the front doors as Miles you’ll get a prompt to perform the Wakanda Forever crossed arms pose that was made famous by Chadwick Boseman in the Black Panther film. It’s a lovely tribute to the late actor and a detail that can easily be missed if you don’t approach the right place as the right character.

The Spider-Verse
Now, this is for those who have collected all of the Spider-Bots strewn across the map of New York, if you haven’t done that yet and don’t want to be spoiled, look away now. If you don’t care about spoilers, you’ll be pleased to know that upon collecting the last Spider-Bot you’ll be treated to a cutscene that shows a cut character from Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. A portal will open up and show Delilah who then sucks up all the bots you’ve found and mentions Miguel, who you’ll know as Spider-Man 2099 from the film. Apparently this is before the Insomniac Spider-Man met with Miguel O’Hara from Earth 982.

A new Spidey?
Another nice hidden detail comes at the end of the game when Miles finally meets his mum’s new boyfriend Albert. Keen-eyed comic book fans will spot that he has a daughter called Cindy Moon, which is the same as the superhero Silk who has appeared in numerous Spider-Man comics, plus has a spin-off comic of her own. Will Silk turn up as a playable character in the next game? Or maybe a side-kick for a mission or two? Who knows, but the door is now open.

More future enemies?
In certain areas of New York in the later parts of the game, you can find these tipped-over four-wheel drive vehicles. They’re branded with the name Smythe, which is another callback to the comics and could possibly hint at a new enemy for the inevitable third game. Smythe is an archenemy of Spider-Man and creates an army of Spider-Slayer robots to hunt down Spidey. These would make for great enemies to beat up in the future.

It’s a classic
Here’s one that most of you will have spotted but those who aren’t avid fans of comics might have missed. In the side mission, Photo Help, you’re tasked with helping a photographer snap a winning photo. She will tell you her inspiration is Peter Parker and she will show you a photo of his on the Daily Bugle which is a one-to-one recreation of the cover that featured the very first appearance of Spider-Man, in Marvel’s Amazing Fantasy #19.

Topics: Marvels Spider Man, Marvel, Spider Man, Spider Man Miles Morales, PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Sony, Insomniac Games