I’ve been waiting for the opportune moment to write about this, and what do you know, Amazon went and dropped all episodes of Fallout for me to justify my love of roguish ghouls.
Not the feral ghouls that mindlessly attack, but rather the badass ghouls like Walton Goggin’s The Ghoul and John Hancock from Fallout 4; those fine, irradiated men deserve our love more than we realise.
Confined to a life of judgement due to taking a serious dose of radiation, these ghouls have been cast as outsiders. Some find a way to connect with others, primarily through a show of their invaluable skills, and thus they become a sought-after tool. But for the most part, ghouls aren’t treated fairly in the Wasteland.
What better time to discuss snogging, marrying, and irradiating with the Fallout cast than while we crush on those sexy ghouls
I submit to you that ghouls are deserving of our attention, affection, and if the mood so takes you, love. A decision I’ve come to without any influence from Goggins looking incredibly attractive despite his post-apocalyptic afflictions in Amazon’s Fallout. It’s the charisma he, and John Hancock, has that makes them the only romantic options you should ever consider.
Humans are so boring. There's a whole world of terrifying creatures outside the Vaults, like Fire Ants and Mutants – why on earth would you settle for bland when you can have post-apocalyptic spiciness? And no, I’m not saying that Fire Ants should be romanced; I’ve died from their sudden attacks too many times to see them as anything other than enemies to destroy.
In a world where virtually anything can kill you, find a place in your heart for those who were once like us. They may look markedly different, but the change is only some melted skin and a missing a nose. You know, nothing too damning that would change their longing to be treated with the same respect humans have for each other (or they should have for each other).
I’m not the only ghoul lover who's making themself known; there are many of us. Although our freak flags may not always be flying high, they’re always there waiting for a moment like now.
We started to emerge when John Hancock joined our growing group of companions in Fallout 4, and ever since then, we’ve waited for a new ghoul to rise up and allow us to look respectfully once more.
That strange “weird crush” turned into a “favourite romantic partner”, with Goggins firing up our passions in a new, almost tangible way. “I’m deeply uncomfortable with how oddly attractive I find him here,” said one Redditor. To which I respond: don’t be uncomfortable, embrace that attraction.
If your “uranium fever” is kicking in when looking at these confident, self-assured ghouls, I feel you on every level. Long may Fallout keep giving us rizzed up sexy ghouls who are badass, but who also have fun with their otherness. And for the love of God, Amazon needs to give us more Goggins as The Ghoul.
Topics: Fallout, Amazon, Bethesda, TV And Film, PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Steam