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Steam drops dozens of free downloads that'll keep you busy for weeks

Steam drops dozens of free downloads that'll keep you busy for weeks

There are hours of fun to be had here... and for free!

Running from now until 20 May, Steam is hosting the Endlessly Replayable event which celebrates games you can play again and again and again.

When all else fails and no big game release has captured your attention, it is worth turning to Steam. This is especially true now with the arrival of the Endlessly Replayable event.

Planet Crafter is just one of thousands of games available on Steam.

Not only can you grab a roguelike, sandbox or VR title to name just a few, but you can also get your hands on some free demos or games which are just free to play entirely.

This includes titles such as Nine Realms Prologue, Fancy Skulls, No Love Lost and Asgard’s Fall: Origins.

Nine Realms Prologue is an action roguelike which sees you rule as the god of thunder as you challenge all the gods of the nine realms. Develop a strategy or simply just hack-and-slash as you subject all the gods that challenge you to your wrath.

Fancy Skulls is a challenging first-person shooter “with procedural generation, permadeath and a distinct art style”. With intense and tactical combat, unique weapon mods and items, how you play is entirely up to you. However, remember that there are no second chances.

No Love Lost is a PvPvE extraction game for one to 10 players which sees players take up the Nectar Raiding trade alongside their ragtag crew. Compete against enemy harvesters to gather as much nectar as you can but be aware as you are not the only denizens on this dangerous planet.

Last but not least, Asgard’s Fall: Origins is a “Norse-Survivors-like roguelite” which sees players fight through hordes of creatures to let the gods feel your wrath. With abilities to master, runes to carve and a skill tree to unlock, there are hours of fun to be had in this free-to-play title.

All of these titles and more are available to play for absolutely free over on Steam so don’t miss out.

Featured Image Credit: 101XP, Valve

Topics: Steam, Free Games, PC